General Information

Stichting Bellingcat was registered on 11 July 2018.

KvK number: 72136030

RSIN number: 859000515

VAT number: NL859000515B01

Bellingcat Fund Inc. was registered on 1 November 2022.

EIN number: 92-0346579

Determination Letter Bellingcat Fund Inc.

Policy Plan

The current policy plan can be found here.


2023 ANBI report

2022 ANBI report

2021 ANBI report

Annual Accounts

Annual accounts 2023

Annual accounts 2022

Annual accounts 2021

Annual accounts 2020

Annual accounts 2019

Annual Reports

Annual report 2023

Annual report 2022 

Annual report 2021

Annual report 2020 

Annual report 2019 

Financial report Bellingcat Fund Inc.

Form 990 2022


The executive board of directors consists of:

Eliot Higgins (chairman/creative director)

Dessislava Lange-Damianova (treasurer/business director)

Giancarlo Fiorella (secretary/training director)

The board of directors is responsible for daily management of the Foundation.

Supervisory Board

The supervisory board consists of:

Sander van Luik

Maria Teresa Ronderos

Miriam Struyk

Bellingcat’s supervisory board is responsible for supervising the policy pursued by the Executive Board of Directors and the general course of affairs of the Foundation. The supervisory board also advises the Executive Board of Directors.

International Advisory Board

The international advisory board consists of:

Algirdas Lipstas

Anya Niestat

Francis Fukuyama

Premesh Chandran

Emiel Jurjens (external advisor)

The international advisory board advises on the work of the Foundation.

Remuneration policy board and supervisory board

The supervisory board members and the board members receive no remuneration for their board functions. An exception is costs allowance for meetings (twice per year) in the Netherlands for those board members coming from abroad.

Bellingcat Remuneration Policy for Directors and Employees

The remuneration for staff and employees of Stichting Bellingcat is within the middle margin of the NGO-sector salary scale. The yearly brutto remuneration of the executive director of Stichting Bellingcat is 90.000 EUR (including pension and holiday allowance – 1fte/12 months). The yearly brutto remuneration of the operations director/manager is 90.000 EUR (including pension and holiday allowance, 1 fte/12 months). Both remuneration scales are well beneath the maximum ceiling of 158.000 EUR within the framework of Goede Doelen Nederland (GDN).